Every four years, USA Gymnastics makes changes to the rules for the Development Program (Dev Program). The most recent rules changes took place in 2023. (Click here to read about them.)

However, each year, the committees meet and determine if smaller-scale changes need to be made to address issues that have been brought up.

Those meetings were completed in May 2024, and here are the changes, effective for the 2024-25 season. Click here to see the full meeting minutes on the USA Gymnastics website.

General Changes 2024

These changes are organized by categories so you can easily find what you need.

Changes to Rules and Policies

Attire: The gymnast MAY wear shorts (over or under the leotard) or tights (capri or full length, over or under the leotard). The shorts or tights may be black, they may match the leotard, or they may match the gymnast’s skin tone. Yay! I love when rules can be applied with common sense.

If a situation occurs in which gymnasts may require additional warm-up time due to a delay in the competition (power outage, etc), the Meet Director and Meet Referee will work together to determine the appropriate course of action.

Judging Updates

It had previously been allowable for Level 1, 2, and 3 competitions to be judged by any non-rated coach or judge members. Now, this decision is up to each SACC.

Judging assigners are encouraged to rotate judges to different events on different days of a multi-day meet. If a Meet Director does not want this to happen, they need to notify the assigner.

Clarifications on Inquiries and Video Reviews

The judging panel is allowed to view the Video Review video after the determination has been made whether to adjust the score. (The Meet Referee and highest rated official still make the determination.)

Changes to Deductions on ALL Events

Level 8 and 9 (Bars, Beam, Floor): If two DIFFERENT restricted elements are performed in the same routine, the 0.50 deduction for a restricted element WILL be applied, regardless of whether either skill received VP credit.

  • Example: Level 9 gymnast performs a Pak salto (does not touch the bar), then performs bail to handstand successfully later in the routine. Apply 0.50 deduction for restricted element. Bail to handstand would NOT receive VP or SR credit.

Vault Changes 2024

NEW Vault (Level 8 ONLY): #1.108: 1/4 on, 1/4 off (to land facing away from the table = 9.0 SV

NEW Vault in the Code (Level 9/10 ONLY): #3.301: Handspring onto board, 1/2 on, back tuck off = 9.5 SV (L10), 9.7 SV (L9). Click for a video of a similar vault, with a back pike instead of a back tuck.

Clarification: Levels 3-10 if a gymnast performs a one-arm vault, the 1.00 deduction is taken by each judge that sees it. If there is a 1.00 FLAT deduction or higher applied to a vault, the score range will not apply (examples: one arm vault, failure to land on feet first, spotting).

Bars Changes 2024

All levels: A 0.20 deduction will be applied if the coach applies water or chalk to the bars after the routine has begun.

Skill Value Changes

There are several skill value changes on bars this year:

  • #6.301 Stalder forward, also with 1/2 turn in HS phase: raised from “C” to “D” (now #6.401).
  • #6.401 Stalder forward with 1/1 turn in HS phase: raised from “D” to “E” (now #6.501).
  • #8.301 Variation: Underswing (toe-on or clear), front pike dismount with 1/2 twist: raised from “C” to “D” (now #8.401).
  • #8.301 Variation: Back stalder to front tuck or pike dismount with 1/2 twist: raised from “C” to “D” (now #8.401).
  • #8.401 Variation: Underswing (toe-on or clear), front pike dismount with 1/1 twist: raised from “D” to “E” (now #8.501).

Beam Changes 2024

Beam Updates

NEW skill choice for Level 5 beam acro: Roundoff! Specific deductions on the roundoff are as follows:

  • Failure to pass through vertical – Up to 0.30
  • Failure to land on both feet at the same time – 0.10
  • Failure to show flight from hands to feet – 0.30

All variations of root acro skills will be awarded an “A” VP, regardless of entrance, exit, or foot position.

Leaps or jumps with less than 135° split will not be subject to the insufficient split deduction, but instead will receive deductions appropriate for the leap/jump that is credited.

Skill Value Changes

Here are the skill value changes for beam in 2024:

  • #2.201 Side leap: raised from “B” to “C” (now #2.301)
  • #3.307 1 1/4 turn in back kip position: raised from “C” to “D” (now #3.407)

Floor Changes 2024

All variations of root acro skills will be awarded an “A” VP, regardless of entrance, exit, or foot position.

Leaps or jumps with less than 135° split will not be subject to the insufficient split deduction, but instead will receive deductions appropriate for the leap/jump that is credited.

The composition deductions for Level 8-10 floor have changed. Please see the following table and information:

No DeductionB B B AC C C AD D D A
0.05B B A AC C B BD D C A
0.10B A A AC C B AD C C B
0.15B A A –C B B BD C C A
0.20No B saltosNo C saltosNo D/E saltos

For each missing salto (less than 4), an additional 0.05 deduction will be applied.

It no longer matters if saltos are performed in direct or indirect connection, or if they are isolated. The only thing that matters for composition is the number and value of the saltos performed.

Changes That Will Take Place in August 2026

Beginning in August 2026, floor music will no longer be allowed to contain human or synthesized voices. This means no chanting, voice sounds, humming, etc will be allowed. If these are present, the deduction will be 1.00.


USA Gymnastics Minutes, May 2024.